Blog Introduction

Blog Introduction

Hi there! 
We are Qing Fibre, an independent, hand dyed yarn company specialising in colour and crazy speckles, but I’m sure you already knew all that ;) 
We thought it was about time we started a blog to keep you guys better informed about what we are up to and our plans for 2019 and beyond! It can also be a place for us to discuss knitting or crochet techniques, how to use our yarns and yarn inspiration. 
A lot of people seem to have an aversion to New Year but we find it gives us a chance to reflect on the positive, grow from the negative and set ourselves new goals. This year we will be turning three and it has flown by with hardly a chance for breathe, or a chance to really interact with our followers and customers. We would like to change that and we hope you will come along for the ride! 
So… We began the year by moving to a new studio! And if you think your yarn stash is out of control then ours is beyond belief, it is only when you have to carry your stash down 5 sets of stairs and drive it across London you realise that you may have got a bit carried away! But we made it, along with all our dyeing equipment, admin accessories and even a couple of extra mugs! 
Here are a couple of shots of the new studio, we will reveal more as we go.
 Now that we are settled in we have many exciting plans for the year ahead. In the next blog post we will be discussing yarn shows, pigs and spring. Thank you so much for reading our first post, happy crafting everyone! 
QF x
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Loving all things qingfibre 💕


Best of luck in your new place. Looking forward to more


Finally found pattern for your big merino chunky so please keep it & aran yarns in your selection.


Congratulations on your move, and Happy New Year!
LOVE your colors and yarns.
I am hoping there will be more colors in Mohair—love the suri, but like so many other knitters, I am allergic to alpaca.
Will you be dying Mohair in Acid Apple again—ran short on my Texture time!!
All my very best!!

Teresa Kohnke

Looking forward to blog posts. better than inst stories i can’t keep up with. Love your yarn… especially the melted Suri …hope you have a fabulous 2019!

julie stephenson

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